Organizations & Companies
Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the workplace is still a very frequent occurrence. What can employers do to combat it and how are they required to respond?
We explore the situation with you, analyze which structures and measures already exist, and which further ones make sense and are necessary to enable equal, respectful and legally binding work with each other. Our speakers are trained / licensed by the Federal Association of Women’s Counseling Centers and Women’s Emergency Hotline bff Gewalt-gegen-Frauen.de.
How we support you::
Taking stock during a personal conversation
What is the current situation, what goals do we have?
What already exists, what should be created? Guidelines for action, code of conduct, works council agreement, workplace policy.
What is the company language regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, how is it communicated internally?
What committees, contact persons are there? Who is responsible: Equal Opportunity Commissioner (BfC), Equal Opportunity Officer, Human Resources? Should an action chart be established? ...
Is there a training concept, what does it look like?
Are there current cases? -> separate case supervision
Based on your structures, we create a project matrix for establishing new paths from A for action guidelines, C for contact persons, and R for responsibilities.
The structures of communication are the basis for how people deal with each other in a company. Is there a policy of paying attention, looking away, interfering, clear lines, is there a feedback culture? Etc.
We establish with them in accordance with employment law (AGG)
Internal counseling options
Consultation and action procedures
The management level should clearly position itself against sexual harassment and discrimination. Training modules are a good way to ensure a unified stance against sexual harassment. Tell your employees what they need to know. We highly recommend an exchange with the management.
Advanced training for managers, employees, trainees
One-day seminar, min. 6 hours, 2 trainers or with lawyer
Sensitization for the topic
Role awareness as manager and contact person
Information about background
Criminal law and AGG
Consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace
Possibilities of dealing with the situation and procedures based on case studies
Typical pitfalls
Methodology: Elaboration, group work, lecture, case studies, participative
Training for staff
3 hours, max. 10 people, 1 trainer
Approach the issue
Background information
(Criminal) legal aspects
Consequences of sexual harassment at the workplace
Possibilities of dealing with it and how to proceed on the basis of case studies
Contact points inside and outside the company
​ Methodology: Elaboration, group work, lecture, case studies, participative
Training for trainees
3 hours, max. 10 people, 1 trainer
Approach the issue
Background information
Legal aspects, protection and prevention by the employer
Consequences of sexual harassment in the workplace
Possibilities for action, exercises
Contact points inside and outside the company
Methodology: Elaboration, group work, lecture, case studies, participative
Formation focus group and accompanied moderation
3 hours
Guidance for the continuation of the group
As part of internal communication, cross-departmental, heterogeneous
Get on the permanent agenda
Don't just make it an issue until sexual harassment is an acute problem
We are happy to support you as much as necessary with specific incidents, which are accompanied independent of the project strategy.
We evaluate all our training courses in written form. In the case of support and advice for companies against sexual harassment in the workplace, a personal evaluation meeting is also offered.
We know how important it is for employees when their employer addresses the issue and takes a new approach. They feel taken seriously, a positive, benevolent corporate culture is underlined, which promotes the working atmosphere.
What prevents organizations and companies from complying with legally required measures (according to AGG)?
The fear that addressing the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace is tantamount to confession.
Our approach is to approach the issue progressively. Prevention is always a better investment than litigation costs. Prevent sexual harassment in the workplace as much as is within your means. We support and accompany you in this, so that you protect your employees preventively in the best possible way.