Our Team
At Frauenhorizonte, a professional team of social educators and psychologists provide counseling. They are specially trained for the special situation of women and adolescent girls who have experienced sexual violence.
​The full-time team is supported at night and on weekends by female specialists on call. We ensure the professional quality standard of our work through regular supervision and participation in specialist events. It goes without saying that all staff members are bound to professional confidentiality.
Claudia Winker
Counseling / process support:
Gabriele Kratz | Daniela Been | Natasa Subotin | Maria Ludwigs
Psychological support :
Andrea Schuster | Vanessa Mützel
Verena Kaselow
Public Relations & Prevention:
Pia Kuchenmüller​
female students every six months as part of their studies
At night and on weekends, we are supported by our expert on-call team:
M. Brendler, T. Spiller, N. Subotin, A. Schuster, C. Winker, M. Blomenkamp, A. Huffer, K. Oestreicher
State Coordination Office Nightlife Safety Team Baden-Württemberg:
Pia Kuchenmülle (Management), Lea Dorn (Koordination), Karoline Czepan
Board women:
Inge Tritz (Vorsitzende), Gerlinde Birmelin, Katja Ravat, Angelika Hägele, Julica Goldschmidt, Nancy Mirza