The Counseling Center
Point of contact and professional counseling center against sexual violence
Frauenhorizonte supports women and adolescent girls who have experienced rape or attempted rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment or other forms of sexual violence in adulthood or as young women - regardless of whether the crime has just happened or happened some time ago.
Our services are aimed at all affected women*, girls, TIN people and regardless of origin, lifestyle and disability, as well as their relatives, friends and professional connections.
"Nothing in a woman’s* behavior or appearance can justify sexual assault."

Our Mission Statement
We at Frauenhorizonte work against sexual violence and its profound effects. We are clearly on the side of women* who are affected by sexual violence and its impact.
We want to sensitize women* and men* to the existing conditions of violence, so that violence is no longer tolerated in society.
Through our comprehensive and professional work, we strengthen women* in their dignity, their lust for life and their ability to act.
We do this with competence, respect, humor and integrity.