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Here for you against sexual violence

We are here for adolescent girls and women who are victims of sexual violence or at risk for it. We offer you counseling in your language –  trustworthy, free of charge, anonymously

Here for you against sexual violence.
Suntem cu tine împotriva violenţei sexualizate.
A tu lado, contra la violencia sexual.
Ao seu lado, contra a violência sexual.
A tes côtés, contre les violences sexuelles.
Accanto a te, contro la violenza sessuale.
Cinsel şiddete karşı yanınızdayız.
بجانبك ضد العنف الجنسي

Frauenhorizonte – Gegen sexuelle Gewalt e.V.

Basler Straße 8, 79100 Freiburg
Phone: (0761) 2 85 85 85

Spendenkonto und Bußgelder:

IBAN: DE04680501010002044442
Sparkasse Freiburg

opening hours

Monday to Thursday:  09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 13:00
Appointments by arrangement
24-hour emergency call
barrier-free rooms possible

Mobile Teams:


"Haus zum Engel", Diakonie

Karl-Friedrich-Straße 20, 79312 Emmendingen  


Hauptstraße 14, 79822 Titisee Neustadt

Appointment via main office in Freiburg

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